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Powerful and Dynamic

Class G amplification offers the best characteristics Class A and Class A/B designs. Conventional Class A designs do not suffer from crossover distortion and is exceptionally transparent offering a high level of realism. However, a solely Class A design is extremely inefficient as it will always be drawing full power even with no signal to amplify, for this reason Class A amplifiers usually offer lower power output. Class AB design is a much more common and far more efficient than pure Class A, but it suffers from crossover distortion at low levels which clouds spatial details and transparency.

SDA-7120 Highlights

  • Dynamic Class G amplification

  • Dante? audio networking

  • 100 watts @8 Ohms with seven channels driven

  • Balanced and single ended inputs

  • Trigger in and out

  • Ethernet, RS232 control

General Specifications


Audio Specifications

Seven channels driven, 4Ω / 8Ω, 20Hz – 20kHz140W / 100W
Five channels driven, 4Ω / 8Ω, 1kHz175W / 110W
Two channels driven, 4Ω / 8Ω, 1kHz225W / 140W
Harmonic distortion, 80% power, 8Ω at 1kHz0.002%
Input sensitivity 50W / 8Ω800mV RMS (RCA Type), 1.6V RMS (XLR Type)
Signal/Noise ratio (A-wtd) 50W / 8Ω105dB
Input impedance10kΩ
Frequency response20 - 20kHz +/-0.05dB
Mains voltage110–120V or 220–240V, 50–60Hz
Maximum power consumption1.5kW
Dimensions W x H x D (including feet, control knob and speaker terminals)433 x 425 x 177mm
Weight (net)18kg
Weight (gross)19.7kg

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